Transition to Middle School

Tips for How to Survive Middle School


Transition to Middle School

It is important to remember that Middle School is an adjustment for both students and parents. It is not the same as elementary school. The campus is much larger and houses a larger amount of students and faculty. In addition, you will find that your child will have more than one teacher and your child will have to travel between classes. Anxiety is common. Many of our new students attended an articulation on our campus at the end of 5th grade and perhaps the campus does not seem so unknown to them. We encourage parents to attend orientation and become familiar with the PTSA and with our parent center so that parents can get to know what goes on at our school. Being active in communication is important as many parents realize that unlike elementary school, there is not one teacher to go to with concerns and questions. If you need help in this transition, reach out to the teachers by phone, email, Schoology, or contact the main office to meet them in person.

Early Adolescence

Around ages 9-13, a child starts transitioning to adolescence. You might notice the child trying to seek out more freedom and challenging adult authority as a way of exerting their independence. Complaints, arguments, procrastination and disobedience become more common. Added to this is the start of puberty when an adolescent makes the change into manhood or womanhood. Disciplinary concerns at home and at school might increase. Self-esteem is often a factor as young people try to make a place within their social networks. Encourage your child to join team sports, activity groups outside of school, or any afterschool clubs or non-academic classes. Be aware that as many adolescents look for a place to “fit in” amongst their peers, there can be competition or deliberate acts of meanness. Parents should:

  • Validate that their child’s feelings are normal.
  • Get to know your child’s friends and peer group.
  • Monitor phone and internet use including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text messages etc.
  • Teach empathy, respect, and the “Golden Rule”.
  • Report any occurrences of bullying to the school.