Period 2 Heffner 2020-21 Assignments

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L of D #2

L of D #2- Remember definitions in your own words or from class notes are best.  Only use dictionary as last resort.  Find words on home page of Mrs. Heffner's page on Nobel's website if you didn't copy earlier.


Successful Person's Effort

This assignment was done in class on either Monday 5/10 or 5/17.  If you were absent, please do only #s 1-3.  There is not an absolute due date for this assignment. 
  1. Please view the video "Attitude of Effort" - Recreate the last moment by writing CAN'T on a piece of paper.  Then rip off the 'T part. Did that act stimulate a feeling of effort, why or why not?
  2. In small groups or by yourself, please read the "Highly Successful People Who Failed" article.
  3. Choose one out of the ten who interests you or your group the most. 
  4. Open the "Group Slide" document.  If you are working with others, be sure the name of the document has every one's name in it or make a text box on the document with everyone's name.
  5. Follow directions on the slide to further your knowledge on effort and resiliency and then submit.  



AR Quiz #6

You do not submit anything to Schoology. I will transfer the score.  

We will take this quiz during class on this day. If you take it early (on another day), it does not count unless you have prior approval. 

Remember, you may only take one quiz on this day.  If you take more, I use your lowest score. If you are absent, and do not take a quiz this day, please contact me so that we may schedule a makeup date. This is a class assignment, each day it is late, without a valid excuse, lowers your grade.  


Effort Check In


Counterargument and Rebuttal WS

Please read the notes and follow along with me as I go over them.  If you were not in class, please also look at the teacher notes before you do the WS.  Once you have a general understanding of Counterargument and Rebuttal, please complete the "Counterargument and Rebuttal WS."


  1. Markers (Transitions in the world of Argument) are used for both the counter and rebuttal
  2. You address the reader's concerns with a counter and rebut it so that the entire thing still supports the original claim. 
  3. Counter portion begins with a "counter marker" and address reader's concerns by statring what the other side beilieves. 
  4. Rebuttal begins with a "rebuttal marker" and tells why the counterargument is not as good, effective, etc.  Hence, doing the 180 back to the support of the original claim.  

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 at 2:36 pm


Belt the Busses - Evaluate Fact/Opinion - 30 pts

This will be done in class in small groups.  If for any reason you are absent or not in a group, please do this on your own. 

  1. Read the short editorial "Belt the Busses."
  2. Identify 3 facts and 3 opinions used in the editorial.  (You may write them as a list on the bottom- You may color code them- You may circle one and underline the other, etc.  JUST BE SURE IT IS CLEAR WHICH ARE FACTS AND WHICH ARE OPINIONS- writing a key would be helpful)
  3. Remember that one sentence may have both facts and opinions in it; be sure to clearly mark which parts are facts or opinions. 
  4. Finally, place a text box on the bottom of the page, and write  a quick evaluation paragraph describing whether the facts or opinions in the editorial are more persuasive.  Always Remember to begin with a topic sentence.   That means do not include reasons in that topic sentence. 
  5. EXTRA CREDIT- If you use pathos, logos, and/or ethos in your explanation, you will enhance your analysis and your grade.  

If you did group work, each person's name should be on the document (probably on the top like a school heading), and then submitted by one student.  

Posted Thu Apr 29, 2021 at 5:53 pm


New Fact v. Opinion WS

Please complete the 2-sided Worksheet.  If you work with a partner, each person submits separately. 

Posted Thu Apr 29, 2021 at 5:26 pm


Negative Ned WS


Journal # 9 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit.  

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #6-10  Today you will only be working on Journal #9. 

Journal #9      April 29/30, 2021

Please define the words “fact” and “opinion.” Which do you believe is most effective when arguing? Is one more persuasive than the other, why or why not? Do you favor one on the other when you try to prove a point? Which one persuades you? Can you think of examples of when you would use one or the other? You may also include your most strong-held opinion as long as you can include some facts to go with it.  

Please look on Schoology for corresponding files. 



Argument Persuasion Appeals for EdPuzzle

Please view and respond to the EdPuzzle video.  You can also find the link on your Schoology materials page.  If you are doing this after the due date, please email me to let me know you have completed it so that I can assess yours for a grade.  


Slide 6 - Evidence, Rules, Warrants

We are doing this in class.  If you are absent you must do your own and submit it separately.

After completing "Slide 4 - List of Observable Evidence," next you are to make LOGICAL sense of the evidence.  To do that, you are to compose rules for each piece of evidence and then draw conclusions through logical reasoning and begin to decide who most fits the crime because of the evidence.  Please look back at the "Argument in Action PPT" and the directions on "Slide 5" to aid you if needed.  

You are to use the same group Google slides as you did for the "Slide 4" assignment.  If for any reason you do not have a copy of the "Think Like a Detective: Intro into Argumentative Writing," please go to the "Slide 4" Schoology assignment and get a copy to use.  Submit Slide #6 in this assignment. Your group will only be graded for Slide #6 here.  Grading is as follows: 

  • 5 pieces of evidence are analyzed
  • Rules are logical and correctly stated
  • Reasoning is logical
  • "If...then" statements are used (you may name a suspect in this section)

Posted Tue Apr 13, 2021 at 8:33 am


Slide 7 - Crime Report 100 pts

We are doing this in class.  If you are absent you must do your own and submit it separately.

Submit the Entire Google Slide Presentation Here.  One per group.   Note the 3:00 pm due date time-  Also- Each Student Should Copy and paste the Crime Report on Slide 7 into the Turnitin (the one with the squared rulers in front) "Think Like a Detective Crime Report Paragraph" Text box.  You may do this first to check editing.  Remember only 3 reports will come back to you immediately.  

After completing "Slide 6 - Evidence, Rules, Warrants," You are to compose a Crime Report.  This will be done in the form of an expository paragraph.  In this report, you should name the main suspect, to indict, and give all the evidence, rules, logical reasoning, and analysis which led your group to this decision.  

You are to use the same group Google slides as you did for the "Slide 4" assignment.  If for any reason you do not have a copy of the "Think Like a Detective: Intro into Argumentative Writing," please go to the "Slide 4" Schoology assignment and get a copy to use.  Submit the entire Google Slide document for this assignment here, but your group will only be graded for Slide #7 here.  Grading is as follows: 

  • A topic sentence which states the main suspect to indict.
  • The report may (and probably should) also give evidence which rules other suspects out.
  • Included in the analysis is the information included on slide #6.  (Evidence, Rules, Conclusions drawn [Analysis]) 
  • Rules are logical and correctly stated
  • Reasoning is logical
  • "If...then" statements are used (you should name a suspect and/or suspects ruled out in this section)
  • You may also include 'lesser' evidence that you did not include on slide #6, but it still should be logically reasoned. 
  • Conclude with a closing statement which restates the topic sentence in a different way.
  • Transitions are used throughout effectively
  • Correct standard English in spelling, mechanics, usage and grammar

Posted Tue Apr 20, 2021 at 8:35 am


Think Like a Detective Final Crime Report Paragraph - Each Student

Each Student Should Copy and paste the Crime Report on Slide 7 into the "Text" choice for submission in the Turnitin (has the squared rulers in front of it) You should do this first to check editing. Remember only 3 reports will come back to you immediately.
When you have submitted, be sure to go back and look at the report (This may take a few minutes) Do not worry about the "Similarity Report" as yours should match 100% with your other team members.
What you should pay attention to are any errors that you may be able to edit before your submission to Schoology of the entire Google document to "Slide 7 - Crime Report 100 pts"
Do note this submission to this site is only worth 5pts. It is not where I am grading the actual paragraph. Here I am only giving you full credit for submitting it and checking the report(s) at least once.


Slide 4 - Evidence

Please begin to work on the group project using the copied Google Slides, "Think Like a Detective: Intro into Argumentative Writing."  Submit Slide #4 in this assignment. Your group will only be graded for Slide #4 here.  Grading is as follows:

  • A thorough list is included
  • Only concrete evidence is included
  • No opinions or conclusions drawn on this list

Posted Mon Apr 12, 2021 at 10:46 pm


Book Check #6

Please submit the title and the author of the book you have gotten to read, in the Schoology assignment.  Please read the attached AR Guidelines.  The Next/Last  "Individual Class Test" will be on 5-20/5-21.  

Please check on to make sure your book is an AR Book.  I will not be checking.  If the book you read, and plan to take a test on, turns out not to be an AR book, that will be on you.  

Always remember, Just Keep Reading!!!!!




Journal #8 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit.  

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #6-10  Today you will only be working on Journal #8. 

Journal #8       April 8/9, 2021

Arguments are something that happen in our own lives, and argument is a genre of writing. Do you believe that these two things are connected or have any similarities? How or Why? Also, please consider in your response the following questions: Do you like to argue? Why or why not? Who do you argue with the most? Why? Finally, describe the best or worst argument you have ever been involved in or have ever heard.   

Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins.

Please look at your class period's Materials Page for specific length requirements and the email you should share it with.


Annotated Bibliography Research Project

Important Note: We are working on a lot of this in class, but depending on how productive you are during those times, you may have to do more work outside of class time.  If you do not want to have any work to do on Spring Break, please use your time wisely during class and after school. There is plenty of time to finish before the Break begins.   
Please submit your "Annotated Bibliography Research Project" to Turnitin through Schoology. You will be able to resubmit as many times as you would like up until the due date.
On your 4th submission, you will receive your Similarity/Editing Report after 24 hours instead of immediately. Plan ahead if you would like to utilize those features.
I will use the Similarity Report mainly for the "Summary" sections of your project. Remember an effective summary is written in your own words.
Please note that the editing feature will most likely not help you with format - Follow the directions/notes/video exactly.


Extra Credit Opportunity

Writing a Thesis - Flocabulary Extra Credit


Due: Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 11:59 pm

We will watch the initial video in class on March 22/23.  To earn extra credit, please do one or more of the activities attached to the Flocabulary assignment.  You will earn 1 or 2 (depending on quality) points for each activity you complete. 


First Thesis Statement Work - Revising Thesis Statements

Please feel free to view the "Thesis Statement Info Slides" before doing this WS.

In class, we will take/took notes on the "Guidelines" section. If you were absent and would like those, please contact me or a classmate.

On the WS, please revise the given thesis statements according to the guidelines.  Please note there are two pages. 

Adobe PDFThesis - Revising Thesis Statements.pdf2 MBVIEWOPEN WITH KAMI


Second Thesis Statement Work - Practice Creating Thesis Statements

Please feel free to view the "Thesis Statement Info Slides" before doing this WS.

1. From the WS, please choose 5 out of the 15 topics given to create thesis statements for. Please note there are two pages. 

2. Once you have chosen please be sure that all 5 of your thesis statements that you create have a topic and position, and at least 2 of them includes a rationale.  (We went over this in class - Please review the "Thesis Statement Info Slides" if you were absent or need additional support.)

3. Finally, go back over your thesis statements and circle or highlight any Auxiliary Verbs used.  Please choose one of your thesis statements which includes an auxiliary verb and rewrite/revise it by using an Action Verb instead an Auxiliary Verb. (Some Action Verbs can easily just replace the Auxiliary Verb while others you may have to change the words around a bit to make it grammatically/contextually correct.)   

Be sure to NOT just add an action verb and leave the auxiliary verb or add an action verb and just change to a different auxiliary verb.  Check the "Thesis Statement Info Slides" for the Auxiliary Verb List.  

4. Please Write this New and Improved Thesis Statement on the 2nd Page of this WS- The second page with all the blank space. 


Adobe PDFThesis - Practice Creating Thesis Statements.pdf1 MBVIEWOPEN WITH KAMI


One Practice AB Page - 20 pts

Just to check to see that you are on track, please submit one source, one page of your Annotated Bibliography.  Feel free to view my review video on format, "How to Format Annotated Bibliography," and/or look at any of the assignments/notes in the "Research- Annotated Bibliography Project" Folder in Schoology to aid in completing this. 

I will not be grading this on the content of what you write at this time.  Below is how I will grade it:

    • Proficient Credit - Format is correct including font type and size and all needed elements are there including at least a "summary" section.
    •  Approaching Proficient Credit - All needed elements are there; title, bibliographic entry, at least a summary, but not all formatting is correct
    • Non Proficient credit - Not all elements are there, and not all formatting is accurate.   

How to Format Annotated Bibliography: Mar 15, 2021 9:34 PM.webm



Check -in Quick Write

This will be done in class.  If you are absent, follow the following directions. Please open the document, make a copy, and then respond to the prompt.  Be sure to submit afterward. 

Posted Today at 9:00 am


Let Your Hidden Genius Out - EdPuzzle Video

This assignment was done in class.  If you were absent, you need to access the video through the Schoology Assignment.  Do not go through Schoology Edpuzzle App, go through the assignment on the Materials page.  


Summary Evaluation- 30 pts

In order to compose an effective annotated bibliography, an effective summary must be included.  In order to do this, you must be able to capture the main idea of the original text and include the critical details. 

For this assignment, you will show your mastery of summaries by evaluating someone else's summary. This is because evaluating is a much higher thinking order than composing alone.

You may only do this part of the assignment once you have written a summary to share with another student.  The teacher will then put you together with someone else who has completed his/her summary for you to evaluate.  If you are absent, or for any other reason you do not compose your own summary the day we do this in class, you must contact Mrs. Heffner to get a summary to evaluate and submit. 

You will submit here both the other person's summary, which you should have annotated on, and your evaluation of that summary.  

Please see the attached Evaluation Form which you will complete and submit along with the other student's summary.  Again, YOU WILL ONLY BE GRADED ON YOUR EVALUATION NOT THE OTHER PERSON'S SUMMARY. 



Compose a Summary

Please review the "Summary Notes" and read the text offered here.  Please compose an effective summary following the characteristics in the notes. 
Per 1 & 2- Use the attached text, "Why Leaves Turn."
Per 4, 5, & 6 - Use "Where I Find My Heroes" on pg 71 of Springboard


Assess and Reflect Notes for Annotated Bibliography

Please follow along in class for the first page (CARS) and take notes.  On the second page, follow the directions at the top of the page.  

In class, we will do page one together and page two with a partner.  If you are absent, please let me know if you need help to complete the second page.  

Adobe PDFResearch- CARS and More Questions to Ask Notes.docx66 KBVIEW


Evaluate A Website

Each Group will Submit ONE Google Slide Presentation with everyone's first and last name on the title page. If you are absent or for some other reason do not have a group, please speak to me for specific directions or complete on your own and submit.

Please Evaluate one of the attached websites for Reliability using the "Evaluate Website Group" Google Slide link. 

All info necessary is on the slide.  If any of the links embedded in the Google Slide Copy do not work, I have attached the same files here.  Please follow the directions on the Slides.  I will repeat/summarize them here:

  1. Choose the website for which to review depending on your breakout room number.  ODDS review "Handgun Debate" and EVENS review " A Time for Honesty."
  2. Read and Utilize the "Why We Need to Evaluate" Notes
  3. Review/Read your assigned website and brainstorm for the characteristics listed in the notes.
  4. After reviewing the website and brainstorming for the note's characteristics, please compose a group well-developed paragraph describing whether the website is reliable or not.

Paragraph Scoring:

  • A topic sentence begins the paragraph, telling whether the website is reliable or not.  
  • Title and author (if available) of website is included in the topic sentence.
  • Transitions are used effectively- such as; for example, additionally, in conclusion, etc. 
  • Paragraph's supporting sentences give/describe reasons why website is reliable or not reliable especially focusing on the characteristics found in the notes. 
  • Varied sentence structure
  • A closing sentence is included

The group with the most effective paragraph will earn extra credit.  



Flocabulary Source Evaluation- Read & Respond

There is no need to submit for this assignment.  I will transfer the score to Schoology. 

If you are not in class on this day, please go to the "Flocabulary" App on the left side of the page on Schoology. Then watch the "Source Evaluation" video and do the "Read & Respond" Activity.  When you are finished, please email me so that I will be sure to look for your work.  


Bibliographic Entry Exercises Page 1 & 2

Please complete the WS titled "Research Bibliographic Entry Exercises Page 1 & 2"  accurately- Scoring will be based on Accuracy.  Be Sure to refer back to the notes, especially your highlighted copy from the previous assignment, "MLA Formatting Notes- Highlighting Notes."  Also use the "Research bibliography fill in with examples 2 authors" to aid in your completing the 2 page WS with accuracy.  

Note: Some things I will especially look for are Italics, "Quotation Marks," and Hanging


Posted Sun Feb 7, 2021 at 12:19 pm


MLA Formatting Notes - Highlighting Notes

Please follow along during class to highlight your copy of the notes.  If you are absent, you may ask to meet with me or ask another student what was highlighted in order to turn this in.  

Posted Sun Feb 7, 2021 at 11:08 am


AR Quiz #4

We will take this quiz during class on this day. If you take it early (on another day) it does not count unless you have prior approval.  Remember, you may only take one quiz on this day.  If you take more, I use your lowest score. If you are absent, and do not take a quiz this day, please contact me so that we may schedule a makeup date. This is a class assignment, each day it is late without a valid excuse lowers your grade.  


Practice Periodical Source Sheet

Please show that you can find a periodical that was first published in print. (the way to check is to be sure there is a page number in the citation)  In order to do this, you must use a database.  You cannot just go to the internet; YOU MUST USE A DATABASE.   Please use LAUSD's Digital Library or the Los Angeles Public Library to access a database. 

Posted Wed Feb 3, 2021 at 7:41 pm


Journal #7 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit.  

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #6-10  Today you will only be working on Journal #7.  Be sure to read the entire attached file.  It is the Journal Directions, especially if you were not in class. 


Journal #7     Feb 2/3, 2021

Research can be like a journey because you go new places and learn new things. Please tell of a time or times when you have journeyed in any way. It can be a journey through a book you read or a movie you saw. It can be a journey through research or even a journey through travel. In your response, please tell where you went, how you went there, what experiences you had, and what you felt or learned through this “journey.” You may tell of an actual time or make one up, but make it believable.


Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins. A full page of typed text is at least 400 words.  You will begin each new journal on a new page, but in the same Google document.  You will share your document with me at the email below before you begin

Per 1- [email protected]

Per 2- [email protected]





Pathfinder Essential Question - Create Your Own - 30 pts

Please REVIEW the attached Essential Question Notes. Once finished, Please fill out the attached WS.  Please fill in all spaces even if you believe you know your essential question: YOU ALWAYS WANT TO HAVE MORE OPTIONS. 

If you are having trouble coming up with an essential question for your topic, you may want to choose one of your other options for a topic. Se your "Think Think Think" WS. 

Posted Mon Jan 25, 2021 at 11:14 am


Discovery Essential Question One Sentence Definition

Please look over the attached Essential Question Discovery notes.  In these notes, you will first find two columns.  In class we will brainstorm the characteristics of each type of question.  Once done, please write a one sentence definition of an essential question.  If needed, please look at the additional examples of Essential Questions. 

A good way to begin is to ask yourself, "What are the characteristics of the Essential Questions?" and then "What are the characteristics of the Non Essential Question?"

Please submit your one sentence definition in Schoology.  You may use the "Create" tab or submit a document. 


Think X 3 Research Topics

Think, Think, Think Topics-  Please have 3 possibilities for each question. Find the WS in the Schoology assignment or use the attached link. TRY TO THINK ABOUT THEM BEFORE CLASS. 


  1. What issues are important to you?
  2. What issues are important to society?
  3. What are you passionate about?
  4. What would you like to explore?
  5. What do you have to say about the world?


Annotate ONE Research Article

Please choose ONE of the three attached articles to annotate.  Please follow the rubric and brochure guidelines for directions and scoring.


Book Check #4

Please submit the title and the author of the book you are going to read, here, in this assignment.  Please read the attached AR Guidelines.  Our fourth "Individual Class Test" of the school year will be on 2/11-2/12.  

The easiest way to do this is to choose "Create" after you click Submit and just type the title and author there. You may also take a picture of the book and submit that if you like. 

Please check on to make sure your book is an AR Book.  I will not be checking.  If the book you read, and plan to take a test on, turns out not to be an AR book, that will be on you.  

Always remember, Just Keep Reading!!!!!

Even though this is not due until next week, you should get a book as soon as you can.  The test date is a mere 4 weeks away  from the due date of the Book Check.


Journal #6 Participation

Journal #6 Participation

Done in Class Today-There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit.  

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #6-10  Today you will only be working on Journal #6.  Be sure to read the entire attached file.  It is the Journal Directions, especially if you were not in class. 

Journal #6   January 11/12, 2021

Please create a journal check-in by telling me how you are feeling and why?  Please begin by giving me a score in any way you want- by number 1-5, by weather, by animal, etc. with an explanation to why you chose what you did. You may include how you are feeling today or any feelings and thoughts you had over Winter Break.  This may include what you did, things you enjoyed/didn’t enjoy, commentary on social/political issues, worries/joys about school, etc?  In other words, please let me know how you are doing and what you are thinking about coming back to school and beyond.  

Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins. A full page of typed text is at least 400 words.  You will begin each new journal on a new page, but in the same Google document.  Please Find the Correct Email for your Class in the attached Document for your class Period.




AR Semester Points

All points, from the Practice Reading Quizzes and Articles, you earned in AR this semester will count toward this grade.  No quizzes will be counted after 3:30 PM on this due date.  Read the attached Assignment to see how many points you need for the grade you want.  

You do not submit anything.  I will transfer your score from Renaissance Learning. 


Final Date for Any Makeup Assignment to Count

Important Notice for Heffner's English Classes:

Any and all make up work of any kind is due by 3:00 PM, Monday, December 14th.  If you have missing work, do not delay- there will be no exceptions made for that deadline.  Do it early in case there are computer problems, health issues, etc. on that day.  Remember, this is to make up work which is already missing so none of those excuses will apply after this final due date and TIME. Please look on Schoology to see if you have missing work which has been graded.  If it is a Newsela, Commonlit, or Flocabulary assignment, you must email me by the due date and time, notifying me of your completing that work in order for me to count it.  

Get it done!


Top Two Boxes for "Graphic Organizer for 'Story of an Hour'"

You are going to submit this assignment twice.  The first one is worth 2 points and is HOMEWORK.  The second submission is worth 8 points.

First Submission: Homework- After reading the short story, "Story of an Hour,"  please fill in the top 2 boxes for each question. ( Do not fill in the Bottom Box on each Question)  Please have the top boxes completed before class on the due date

Not Homework Will be Done in Class -Second Submission: When finished with the top two boxes.  In class, please discuss with a partner your findings and fill in the bottom box for each question.  This will be due at the end of the day.  Remember you re submit it when you have filled in the bottom box.

Graphic Organizer Story of an Hour.



AR Quiz #3

We will take this quiz during class on this day.  Remember, you may only take one quiz on this day.  If you take more, I use your lowest score. If you are absent, and do not take a quiz this day, please contact me so that we may schedule a makeup date. 


Annotate "Story of an Hour"

This was done in class today. 

You do not submit anything- You do not answer the Assessment Questions- You do not need to Save anything (it automatically saves your annotations)

If you are turning this in late, remember, you must let me know when you have finished as there is no submission.  

First, you must access the Common Lit Site.  In that site, go to Assignments.  There you will find the story.  As you do a first read, please annotate the text using the annotation tools provided on the site.  Your goal is at least 5 annotations.  You will earn 1 point per effective annotation.  

As you read, take notes on how different characters react to the tragic news.  You may also ask questions, make predictions, tell of surprising info, and/or comment on the diction (language/words used).

  • What does the reaction to the tragic news tell you about the character?
  • Ask Questions
  • Make Predictions
  • Higlight Surprising Info and tell why Surprising
  • Comment on how the language (diction in the text) affects the story/reader (you)?

Remember, you will earn one point for each effective annotation. 


"Quiz Acativity" for "Letter:Protect Women Activists" - Newsela

This was done or will be done during class on either 11/16 or 11/30.  If you were not in class Monday 11/16 or 11/30 the first thing you need to do is access Newsela.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Newsela."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Newsela page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the article and accompanying activities.  Please choose the class which says "Term AF" in the title as well as HEFFNER and your Period Number. 

You will not submit to Schoology.  I will access your work from the Newsela account and then transfer the grade to Schoology manually.  

If you are having trouble getting on to the Newsela site, please contact me at [email protected] or  Mr. Soderstrom, Nobel's tech guy, at [email protected].  

Please read the article, take the corresponding quiz, and compose the corresponding paragraph. This score in Schoology Represents Your Score for the Quiz.

It is out of 8 points


"Letter: Protect Women Activists"- Newsela "Write Activity" Paragraph-30 pts

This was done or will be done during class on either 11/16 or 11/30. If you were not in class Monday 11/16 or 11/30 the first thing you need to do is access Newsela.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Newsela."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Newsela page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the article and accompanying activities.  Please choose the class which says "Term AF" in the title as well as HEFFNER and your Period Number. 

You will not submit to Schoology.  I will access your work from the Newsela account and then transfer the grade to Schoology manually.  

If you are having trouble getting on to the Newsela site, please contact me at [email protected] or  Mr. Soderstrom, Nobel's tech guy, at [email protected].  


Please read the article, take the corresponding quizzes, and compose the corresponding paragraph. This score in Schoology Represents Your Paragraph worth 30 pts.  The score you see is the percentage of the 30 pts which you earned.  

Your score will be based on the following:

  • You have a topic sentence which states the main idea of the article
  • You have at least one sentence explaining the main idea.
  • You cite 2-3 details from the article to support your topic sentence.
  • You use transition words throughout.  First, Second, For example, for instance, however, etc
  • You use standard English spelling, grammar, and usage.


Collecting/Submitting Journals #1-5 By Today- Remember to Format Correctly

Please submit your Journals to the Schoology Assignment "Journals #1-5- Submit Here."  They may not come to me as a download.  Please use the Resources Tab in the Submission.  Follow the path Below:

-> Submissions

-> Resources

-> Apps

-> Google Drive

-> Find your Journals #1-5 

-> Click in the little box on the left side of the file Journals #1-5

-> Import

-> Import File

Remember you should format your journals using the attached directions.  Here are the requirements: 

  1. Times New Roman Font
  2. Font size 12 
  3. One inch Margins
  4. Prompt should be single space.
  5. Response should be double spaced. 
  6. Each new Journal begins on a new page in the file (use the attached "2nd and subsequent" file)

Posted Wed Nov 18, 2020 at 5:50 pm


Join Common Lit Site

This was done in class today.  If you were absent, please let me know when you have completed the sign up or if you are having trouble doing so.

Please copy and paste url address : 

Use the code below for your class.  

Please use your official LAUSD name where asked to put your name and use your LAUSD email.  After you have been added/signed up, you need to join the class again with the Class Code.  Most of you will have to enter the Class Code two different times during the process.  

Period One - ZRYL9W

Period Two- J4G9B7

Period Four - WRKY4J

Period Five - 7KD34L

Period Six - J4G9D7

You will only get the full 10 points if you sign up by the end of class or give a valid excuse.  


Journal #5 Participation

This was done in class on the due date.  There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those who need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit. Please write your excuse in the comment section of the submission. 

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #1-5.  Today you will only be working on Journal #5.  Be sure to read the attached file "Directions to place 2nd and subsequent journals" if you do not know/remember how to do this.  If you need the Journal Directions or Formatting Directions, please go to "Journal #1 or #2 Participation" to access those.  

Journal #5   November 19/20, 2020                 

There are many traditional gender roles such as the way chores are divided. An example is men tend to do outside work and women tend to do inside work. But gender roles go much further than chores. Also affected are jobs, relationships, laws, personality traits, etc. Please give examples of these and what you think of them? Have these changed over time? You may also write about gender roles in your family. Are there any? How does your family feel about gender roles? Etc.  

Directions: Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins. 


Format/Revise/Edit Rough Draft of "This I Believe" Narrative Essay

This was done in class today.  If you were absent, please use the attached document to aid in your formatting, revising, and editing.  Essay is due 11/19-11/20.


AR Quiz #2

We will take the test during class this day.


TIB Essay Rough Draft

Using all the information leading up to the "This I Believe Narrative Essay,"  Please compose the rough draft of what will eventually be a well-written multi-paragraph essay.  Be sure to look at the instructions in the attached "This I Believe Essay Assignment" and the "This I Believe Rubric."  Feel free to look back on any of the assignments leading up to this as well, including the Interactive Slides "Gen to Specific Introduction Lesson Slides" shown in class on 11/3-11/4 linked below.  

You should submit your Rough Draft before, or at the beginning of class, on the due date.  Remember it must be done before class on the due date.  On that date, we will be engaging in peer evaluations of your rough drafts.  If you do not have one, you will be unable to participate in the evaluations.  

Posted Today at 12:57 pm


This I Believe Narrative Essay Evaluation

This was done in class today. A little more time will be given on Thursday/Friday to finish.  If you were absent today, please find someone who will evaluate your essay.  If you cannot find anyone, please evaluate it yourself.  
I am also attaching the rubric and assignment to aid you in this endeavor.  


Journal #4 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those who need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit. Please write your excuse in the comment section of the submission. 

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #1-5.  Today you will only be working on Journal #4.  Be sure to read the attached file "Directions to place 2nd and subsequent journals" if you do not know/remember how to do this.  If you need the Journal Directions or Formatting Directions, please go to "Journal #1 or #2 Participation" to access those.  

Journal #4      October 29/30, 2020

In honor of Halloween, please compose a spooky story to share. Be sure to include at least 10 adverbs and underline, highlight, or bold them. Your story may be original or one that you have heard. It may be scary, funny (with a spooky theme), or creepy.

Adverbs are –ly words:

  •      Slowly
  •      Quietly
  •      Stealthily
  •      Awkwardly, etc. 


Flocabulary Transition Work

If you were not in class,, the first thing you need to do is access Flocabulary.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Flocabulary."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Flocabulary page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the video and accompanying activities. 


Please see the accompanying assignments listed here.  You are to choose one of them and do it.  You may choose to do more.  Each will help you to get a better grade on the quiz and you will receive extra credit for doing more than one. 

1.  Vocab Cards

2. Vocab Game

3. Read & Respond

You will not submit to Schoology.  I will access your work from the Flocabulary account and then transfer the grade to Schoology manually. 


Quiz- Flocabulary transition Video Quiz

After watching the video, completing the Transition Flocabulary Fill in WS, and doing one or more of the Flocabulary Transition Work assignments, please take the Quiz on Transitions in the Flocabulary site.

If you were not in class,, the first thing you need to do is access Flocabulary.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Flocabulary."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Flocabulary page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the video and accompanying activities. 

You do not submit anything to Schoology for this; I will transfer your score manually. 


Transition Flocabulary Fill in WS

We did this in class.  If you were absent, please follow the directions below.  

If you were not in class,, the first thing you need to do is access Flocabulary.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Flocabulary."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Flocabulary page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the video and accompanying activities. 

If you are having trouble getting on to the Flocabulary site, please contact me at [email protected] or  Mr. Soderstrom, tech guy, at [email protected].  


While watching the video, please fill in the transitional words and phrases where appropriate.  If after watching a couple of times, you can not catch them while watching, please use the word bank which is on slide #4 of the attached WS. 

Please submit To this assignment through the Resources Tab.  Remember to click on Apps (on the left).  Once you find the assignment, check the box on the left of the assignment by clicking on it.  Finally, be sure to then click on the Import Tab.   

When finished go to the "Flocabulary Transition Work" Assignment and follow the directions there.  

Posted Sun Oct 25, 2020 at 5:25 pm


Graphic Organizer for this I Believe

You should have a good idea about which value, belief, or issue you are going to use for your "This I Believe Narrative Essay." You need to choose one to write about. Your next task in the Pre-Writing Process is to brainstorm ideas and organize those ideas about your one belief, value, or issue. Please use the attached graphic organizer to do this. In the spaces, you may write it anyway you want to. Meaning, you may complete the GO by:

1.    Writing just words and phrases

2.    Bullet Points

3.    Drawing pictures with captions

4.    Writing out full sentences

5.    It may be general or detailed at first- Go back later to add vivid details if necessary

6.    WHICHEVER WAY YOU DO IT, YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER Sequencing the events of the moment, circumstance, experience, or event where your belief was FORMED, TESTED, RELIED ON, OR CHANGED

Example of Sequencing even a simple moment of watching TV:

            Body Paragraph:

1.    I went into living room

2.    Parents watching TV

3.    News about George Floyd was on

4.    I sat and watched

5.    My mom said “.......”

6.    I said “........”

7.    I thought “.........”

Next Body Paragraph:

1.  I went to my room

2.  I searched the internet

3.  Etc. - you get the idea.

You will be using this as an outline to compose your first/rough draft, so put down all your thoughts about your belief, value, or issue. If you cannot think of 3 events, circumstances or experiences, (which by the way, may not even be the best way to do it), you have a couple of choices:

1.    Use one experience, event or circumstance and break it into 2-3 parts if possible (As done above).

2.    Fill in the left-over Body Paragraph(s) with other thoughts about your issue, value or belief. Put the positive reasons or examples for/of your belief. Such as:

·         having empathy is good

·         people should care about each other

·         when people feel what other people feel, they can relate to them

Whatever you do, try to put as much information about your topic in an organized way so that writing the rough draft will be easier.


Posted Wed Oct 21, 2020 at 12:24 pm


Watch the "This I Believe Introduction to Essay" Video

This was done in class.  If you were absent, please go to Schoology and click on the link with the same/similar title of  "This I Believe Introduction to Essay" Do not use the EDpuzzle app on the left.  You must use the link in the "Materials" section of your English course.  One sentence is an acceptable response.  
Please remember it will show a zero until I grade it.  If you did it, you will get credit. 


My Story- Memory Chart WS

You discussed, in class, with a partner 3 possibilities for your "This I Believe Narrative Essay."  Choose one which you believe you want to use.  Please fill in the attached chart.  You may use more space if necessary.  If you are having academic difficulty filling this in, maybe you should pick a different topic. 

Directions to Submit:

Choose "Resources" - Then "Apps"-  Then Choose "Google Drive" if necessary (Your docs usually pop on their own).  Choose your document - Then click on "Import"  I believe you're done then.  

Posted Thu Oct 15, 2020 at 3:12 pm


Book Check #2

Please submit the title and the author of the book you are going to read, here, in this assignment.  Please read the attached AR Guidelines.  Our second "Individual Class Test" will be on 11/12-11/13.  

The easiest way to do this is to choose "Create" after you click Submit and just type the title and author there.

Please check on to make sure your book is an AR Book.  I will not be checking.  If the book you read, and plan to take a test on, turns out not to be an AR book, that will be on you.  

Always remember, Just Keep Reading!!!!!

Even though this is not due until next week, you should get a book as soon as you can.  The test date is a mere 3 1/2 weeks away  from the due date of the Book Check.


TIB Podcast Analysis Worksheet

This was mostly done in class on 10/15 and 10/16.  If you were absent, please go to Materials, and then to the "This I Believe Stuff folder." 

Please choose one of the two Podcast Essays to read, listen to, and analyze.  For all of the attached links, once you open, click on the Title of the Link at the top, or the Box with the arrow in the top right, to open it completely; otherwise, it is blank. 

  1. A Busybody's Guide to Inproving the World  or
  2. A Drive toAchieve the Extraordinary

Open the worksheet titled "TIB Podcast Analysis WS"

Answer the questions/statements with EVIDENCE from the Podcast you chose. 

When finished, please submit here as a Google Slide through "Resources" so that the entire WS will show even if you went on to another slide.  


A Busybody's Guide to Improving the World Podcast Example

A Drive to Achieve the Extraordinary Podcast Example

TIB Podcast Analysis WS


"Pledging Allegiance" Newsela Article

If you were not in class Monday 10/5 or 10/12, the first thing you need to do is access Newsela.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Newsela."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Newsela page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the article and accompanying activities. 

The article is "PRO/CON: Pledging Allegiance." After reading the article, please do both of the activities, the "Quiz" and the "Write."

You will not submit to Schoology.  I will access your work from the Newsela account and then transfer the grade to Schoology manually.  

If you are having trouble getting on to the Newsela site, please contact me at [email protected] or  Mr. Soderstrom, Nobel's tech guy, at [email protected].   

Please read the article, take the corresponding quiz, and compose the corresponding paragraph.

4 pts for quiz- Remember you may retake a quiz by clicking on the words MAX at the top.  Choose one of the drop down numbers, and you will be given a different quiz.  I will take your highest score. 

4 pts for paragaph- Follow the directions in the prompt carefully.  

Also, be sure to read the teacher's instruction which will show when you first get on the assignment.  


AR Quiz #1

We will take this quiz during class on this day.  Remember, you may only take one quiz on that day.  If you take more, I use your lowest score. If you are absent, and do not take a quiz this day, please contact me so that we may schedule a makeup date.  


Journal #3 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those who need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit. Please write your excuse in the comment section of the submission. 

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #1-5.  Today you will only be working on Journal #3.  Be sure to read the attached file "Directions to place 2nd and subsequent journals" if you do not know/remember how to do this.  If you need the Journal Directions or Formatting Directions, please go to "Journal #1 or #2 Participation" to access those.  

Journal #3     October 13/14, 2020

We have been discussing beliefs and values for the past couple of weeks in preparation of writing our “This I Believe” essays. Today, we are going to explore moments in your life that possibly shaped those beliefs or values. Please use the attached file questions to respond to the journal. Write about as many of the questions as you would like. You may also choose a value/belief which you feel strongly about and tell about a time it affected your life if you prefer. 

Please use the attached file: "This I Believe Journal Prompts" to access the questions to respond to.  


Group Presentations of SOAPSTone Analysis Slides

This will be an impromptu presentation.  What that means is I do not expect it to be perfect.  We will be practicing speaking to a group in a digital setting.  

Each person in the group, will choose one of the elements to present.  If you are by yourself, still just choose one.  No groups will be presenting all of the elements because no group has 6 people. One per person, period.  

Each person must introduce him/herself.

Each group needs to choose someone to give the short introduction (ex: Hello, we are going to tell you about SOAPSTone today.)

Each person presents the element chosen (either- speaker,occasion, audience, purpose, subject or tone)

Each group needs to end with one person concluding the presentation (ex: Thank you for listening to us; or I hope you learned something about ... Soapstone or what Elie Weisel believed or the Holocaust or even speaking out when you see wrong.) All would be acceptable

You will be graded for the following elements:

  1. Everyone Introduces him/herself.
  2. The topic of presentation is introduced.
  3. Presenters have some level of enthusiasm while they are presenting.
  4. The group has a conclusionary statement. 



"Never Forget" SOAPSTONE Analysis- 50pts

Remember this is to be done in class; the due date may change.  The only reason you should work on this outside of class is if you were absent, or your group is not finished when the rest of the class is. 

This will be done in class.  If you were absent on the due date, you need to do this alone.  Please submit to the Schoology assignment.

Please read "The Nobel Acceptance Speech Delivered by Elie Wiesel" on page 223 of your Springboard text. On the top of the page it is titled, "Never Forger, Never Again."  

  1. Read the text
  2. Note and highlight words that show the author's tone and provoke emotions in the reader.
  3. In small groups, breakout rooms, choose a secretary who will type for the group. (If you are doing this by yourself, skip this part)
  4. Once you have the copy, please rename it with everyone in the group's last name.  
  5. On the title page, please add everyone's first and last name. (If you are doing this alone, only put your name)
  6. Please read the "Introducing the Strategy: SOAPSTone" carefully and then analyze the text for those elements. 
  7. Answer the question posed for each element, and then find textual evidence that supports your idea or at least made you believe what you answered.  
  8. Once finished, one person from the group submits it.  MAKE SURE EVERYONE'S NAME IS ON THE SLIDE
"Never Again" SOAPSTONE Analysis   Link to the Slides to Use


Journal #2 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit. Please write your excuse in the comment section of the submission. 

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #1-5.  Today you will only be working on Journal #2.  Be sure to read the entire attached file.  It is the Journal Directions, especially if you were not in class. 


Journal # 2         October 1st/2nd, 2020

We all have values and beliefs that are important to us.  Please describe some of your beliefs. These may be values that are embedded in your beliefs or beliefs that are embedded in your values. - Did you get that : ) -   Please tell why each is important to you, and what do you think made you believe this way?  Also, describe examples and instances when these may come into play.  Feel free to look back at the Value Activity Sheet for examples or consider issues that are important to you such as recycling, animal abuse, or voting rights, etc.  (Remember each one of these issues are generally based on a value you hold).


Directions: Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins. A full page of typed text is approximately 330-350 words.  You will begin each new journal on a new page, but in the same Google document.  You document should already be shared with me at [email protected]  or at [email protected]  depending on your period. 


Watch the "SOAPSTone Tutorial Video"

This was done in class.  If you were absent, please go to Schoology and click on the link with the same/similar title of  "SOAPSTone Tutorial Video." Do not use the EDpuzzle app on the left.  You must use the link in the "Materials" section of your English course.  One sentence is an acceptable response.  
Please remember it will show a zero until I grade it.  If you did it, you will get credit. 


Monday Work- "Kids React" article in Newsela

If you were not in class Monday 8/24 or 8/31, the first thing you need to do is access Newsela.  On your course page, on the very left side, there are a list of apps.  At the top it says "Course Options" and then "Materials."  If you go down the list, you should see "Newsela."  Please click on that.  It might ask you some joining questions.  In the end, the Newsela page should pop up.  It might take you straight to "Assignments."  If not, click on "Assignments" at the top.  There you will find the article and accompanying activities. 

You will not submit to Schoology.  I will access your work from the Newsela account and then transfer the grade to Schoology manually.  

If you are having trouble getting on to the Newsela site, please contact me at [email protected] or  Mr. Soderstrom, tech guy, at [email protected].  


Please read the article, take the corresponding quiz, and compose the corresponding paragraph.

4 pts for quiz

4 pts for paragaph


Warm Up for "Never Forget, Never Again" Holocaust Survivor EdPuzzle Interview

This was done in class.  If you were absent, please go to Schoology and click on the link with the same/similar title. Do not use the EDpuzzle app.  You must use the link in the ""Materials" section of your English course.  Four to six sentences is acceptable for the response at the end of the video.  


Elie Weisel's Acceptance Speech Page 223 in Springboard

This was done in class.  If you were absent, please read the speech, on page 223, and highlight/underline words or phrases which evoke emotions in the reader.  These are strong connotative words, in other words, they are words which are strongly sad, happy, angry, scary, joyful, etc.  (Do you like how many times I used the word "word" in this post, haha).  You are to use your Springboard textbook.  If you do not have it, you may access it digitally from Schoology. 
  • On the left side of the page in your English course, you will see the Springboard App. 
  • Click on it. 
  • I believe, but not sure, because I don't know what the student cite looks like, that once Clever opens the cite, you click on "ebook" at the top.
  • Then you will see three dots with three lines on the left side of the page. 
  • When you hover over it, it should say "Table of Contents." 
  • Click on that and then it gives you drop down options.
  • Instead, just put the page number in the search box.  It will take you directly to the page.  


Book Check #1

Please submit the title and the author of the book you have gotten to read, in this assignment.  Please read the attached AR Guidelines.  Our first "Individual Class Test" will be on 10/13-10/14.  

Please check on to make sure your book is an AR Book.  I will not be checking.  If the book you read, and plan to take a test on, turns out not to be an AR book, that will be on you.  

Always remember, Just Keep Reading!!!!!


AR Renaissance STAR Test

This will be done in class.  You do not submit anything.  If you were absent, please watch the linked video and take the assessment sometime between 7:30-3:30 M-F.  AR STAR Assessment Directions


Value Activity Sheet


Due: Friday, September 11, 2020 at 11:59 pm

If you are doing this outside of class, it is imperative that you follow point #2 and MAKE A COPY of THE DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU BEGIN. To submit as PDF, you may follow the "Submit Instructions" attached file.


Directly here are the instructions to access and fill in the activity sheet.Values Activity Sheet

  1. Please open the attached Google slide Link.

  2. Go to "File" then to "Make a Copy." Then, copy "Entire Presentation."
  3. Please Rename with your Last, First Name in front of the existing file name.

  4. If the print is too small, please go to the magnifying glass at the top with the little x in it.

  5. Choose 100% so you could read and work with the file.

  6. Read the directions, but ignore the numbers given.

  7. Instead, choose 10 value words to define. You may use a dictionary.

  8. Then, choose 3 that are most important to you. Put a heart or smiley face by the 3 chosen.  

  9. To get the shape, go to “Insert” at the top. Then to “Shape” and then to “Shapes” again. 

  10. There, find the heart or smiley face to capture and put next to your 3 chosen value words.  You may change the color of the shapes to make them more noticeable. 

  11. Be prepared to discuss your choices. 


Microsoft Word Document  Submit Instructions as PDF.docx7 KBVIEW



Post Introduce Activity and Discussion for "Introduce Yourself" Activity

Use the discussion thread on Schoology to post your Profile or Wall Collage by uploading a screenshot of your work into the comment box.  You have already submitted it to Schoology for a separate grade.  Please upload, "Post," it here in addition to the Schoology submission.  Your profile will not be graded again.  ONLY YOUR RESPONSES/REPLIES WILL BE GRADED. 

Then, scroll through to "meet" your peers and respond to two (2) of your peers. You can only see other students' posts after you post your profile. Hit refresh if after you post, you still don't see others.  You also may be the first one!! Your response should be around 20 words or more.  

You may have to wait till more people post (profile) to respond.  I would like no more than 2 responses to any one post (profile).  If you are the 3rd, or later, response to one profile, you will not earn a grade.  If so few people post, please contact me if you are having trouble finding someone to respond to.

 Please remember our norms and expectations for this class as you read and respond to the ideas of others. Always be appropriate and kind.  YOUR RESPONSES ARE PART OF YOUR DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND FOOTPRINT AS WELL AS WHAT YOU INITIALLY POST. 


*To take a screenshot of your work, use the Ctrl + Show windows key combination. The Show windows key, which looks like a rectangle with two lines on the right side, is on the top row of the keyboard.



Kahoot Objectives/Guidelines Participation Make-up

If you were absent or were unable to participate in the Kahoot game in Zoom class, either Tues 8/25 or Weds 8/26, please go through the game yourself to get your participation score.  Use the link blow.  

Please email me when you do complete it so that I am sure to look at it and give you credit.  Those of you who participated in class do not need to do this I will transfer your grade and extra credit from the report.  

The code to join is 06838831 if you need it.  --- Be sure to put your first/last name and English period in the spot where it asks for nickname; otherwise, you might not get credit.  



Journal #1 Participation

There is nothing for you to submit for this assignment unless you did not do the work in class.  Those that need to submit this journal to Schoology because you did not do it during class, must give me a valid excuse in order to receive non-late credit.  

Before you begin, remember your journal responses will all be composed on a Google document.  Title the file with your first and last name like this, Last, First and Journal #1-5.  Today you will only be working on Journal #1.  Be sure to read the entire attached file.  It is the Journal Directions, especially if you were not in class. 

Journal #1                 September 1/2, 2020

Every school year is different, and this one is especially different. Please describe your first thoughts/impressions of this school year. In your response, be sure to include three things that you learned since coming back to distance learning as well as some things you hope to learn this year.


Each journal must include the journal number, the date, the journal question copied in its entirety and be single spaced, and you must skip at least one line before you begin your response.  Your responses should be typed using Times New Roman font, Font size 12, double spaced, and with one inch margins. A full page of typed text is approximately 330-350 words.  You will begin each new journal on a new page, but in the same Google document.  You will share your document with me, before you begin, to the email address below for your class.

Per 1- [email protected]

Per 2- [email protected]


Posted Mon Aug 31, 2020 at 10:04 am


Introduce Yourself Activity

Here you will find the link to the Wall Collage and My Profile activity. Follow these step-by-step instructions to complete the task:

  1. Download the template and Open from your files or make a copy of the slides to work on. One student said you may just click "Edit" and it makes it your own copy.
  2. Either way, Change the Name of the file.  Put you Name in the Title.
  3. Select one activity from the slides to complete. Remember, it's your choice!  If you are having trouble with the templates, make your own slide from scratch.
  4. Complete the activity.  Be creative and show us who you are in a way that shows you understand the concepts of digital citizenship & digital footprint.
  5. Submit your assignment in the "Submit Your 'Introduce Yourself' Here" file. THAT IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FILE IN YOUR "MATERIALS" SECTION IN SCHOOLOGY.  This file only contains the directions and resources.  You cannot submit here. 


Signed Objectives/Guidelines Tear Off

There are few ways you can turn this in. 

  1. Print it out, both parties sign, and then take a picture of it, and then submit. 
  2. If you don't have a printer available, you and your parent may sign a note. Just write out that you saw and read it and both parties sign it. Now take a picture of that and submit it.  
  3. A parent may also email me and state that they saw and read it.

Let me know if you think of another way.  I tried to make a Google form but it wouldn't link to this assignment.  I will look into it more. 
