Counseling Office
The Counseling Office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Our counselors are available from 7:50 am to 3:00 pm. Please check with your child's counselor for their specific office hours and appointment times. Each counselor has an alphabetical group of students to monitor and support. As the counselors meet with students at various times during the school day and have conferences scheduled, it is best to make an appointment. While counselors often return messages/emails within the same day please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response. Each Counselor has an alphabetical group (by last name) of students to monitor and support. Please see the list of counselors and the alphabet they service below.
If there is a mental health emergency at any time please contact any of the following immediately:
- 911
- Teen Line: 800/TLC-TEEN or
- Crisis Text Line:
- Youth Crisis Hotline: (800) 843-5200
- Valley Coordinated Children's Services: (818) 708-4500
- School Mental Health Hotline (213) 241-2700 or (213) 241-3840
- Your students doctor
Nobel Counselors
(By the last name of your student)
A - D - Ms. Torosyan - [email protected]
E - Lee – Ms. Wicker - [email protected]
Lei - Rib – Ms. Arjaev - [email protected]
Ric- Z – Ms. Ramirez - [email protected]
BSAP Counselor - Ms. Lindo - [email protected]
Attendance Counselor - Ms. Robles - [email protected]
Ms. Romey APSCS, (Assistant Principal) - [email protected]
Counselors provide academic and vocational guidance, help plan elective preferences, make necessary program changes, can assist with counseling referrals, and help with school issues as they arise. Parents/Guardians are always encouraged to contact the teacher and/or the counseling office when they have concerns. Working together with administrators, teachers, and parents, the counselors encourage students’ academic and personal growth.
Students may visit the counseling office on their own before school, at nutrition, lunch, and after school. Students should not come to the counseling office during passing periods; they must request a referral or a pass from their teacher first.
Some of our responsibilities are as follows:
Counseling & Student Services:
- Enrollments/ Registering and assisting students with schedules
- Presentations
- Campus Supervision
- IEP Designated Administrator for IEP team
- SSPT - Student Support and Progress Team
- 504 meetings
- Culmination requirements and progress
Information, Study Skills and Time Management
- Personal counseling and crisis counseling referrals
- PHBAO Parent Meetings
- Back to School Parent Meetings
- Individual Graduation Plan meetings and presentations
- Discipline
- Education Intervention