Proposed Electives for 2025-2026 for Grades 7 and 8
Please keep in mind there is no guarantee that the student will receive the courses they prefer. The computer will randomly select students until class is filled. Courses marked with asterisks (*) require prerequisite or an application.
Students who qualify for intervention will be placed in an intervention English or Math class in lieu of an elective.
Annual Electives
If you receive an annual elective as one of your preferences, it is a year-long commitment; students are expected to remain for BOTH fall and spring semesters. A few classes do require a teacher’s signature to enroll in the class as indicated on this sheet, however that does not guarantee enrollment in the class.
Advanced Art * (PREREQUISITE: Prior Art Class/Experience)
The Advanced Art Class at Nobel is designed for students who are passionate about art, love to create, and are interested in a hands-on experience using many different mediums. It will continue the development of student abilities as they learn to understand and appreciate art through creative means. It will be planned as a yearlong class, with comprehensive standards-based curriculum, providing meaningful and significant experiences that foster creative self-expression, and will encourage a lifelong appreciation of the arts. It will emphasize making art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision making. Students will engage in various forms of communication, utilizing a variety of art media, vocabulary and resources. Students will also make connections between art and other disciplines. They will utilize technology, community resources and explore career opportunities and community involvement in the visual arts.
Advanced Exploratory Media Arts (Includes the Nobel News Production)
Welcome to Advanced Media Arts! This class will teach students in film techniques, cinematography, script writing, interview techniques, and acting while producing a weekly broadcast for the school called Nobel News. Participants will gain useful, real-world skills in time management, teamwork, and film editing.
Advanced Orchestra * (Previous Instrumental Experience Required)
Primarily for 8th grade students who have completed 2 music classes in 6th and 7th grade. Highly skilled 7th graders may also be considered by audition.
The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of advanced symphonic orchestra music. The course develops the ability to perform on string, wind, and percussion instruments with considerable skill, accuracy, and aesthetic sensitivity, and develops skills in score reading. The course provides opportunities for increasing skill in ensemble playing and provides acquaintance with the standard repertory of orchestra that is highly technically and qualitatively advanced. The student is provided with opportunities to examine and study advanced arts components including, where applicable, the perceptual, creative, historical, and critical. Students can audition if you have not had music in 6th & 7th grade but already have experience playing an instrument. Participation in concerts is required.
Band * (Previous Instrumental Experience Required)
Must have had beginning winds in 6th grade. Primarily 7th grade, but open to returning 8th grade students who are continuing to refine their skills.
The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of more difficult band music. The course develops the ability to perform on wind and percussion instruments with considerable skill, accuracy and aesthetic sensitivity, provides opportunities for increasing skill in ensemble playing, and provides acquaintance with the standards repertory of band that is technically and qualitatively advanced. The student is provided with opportunities to examine and study the fundamental arts components including, where applicable, the perceptual, creative, historical, and critical. The course also develops skills in score reading. Students can audition if you have not had music in 6th & 7th grade but already have experience playing a wind or percussion instrument. Participation in concerts is required.
Do you like to sing or would like to learn how? Choir is an incredibly fun and enriching experience that promises to be a highlight of your middle school years. In choir, you'll embark on a musical journey that not only teaches you how to sing but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. You'll explore various genres of music, from pop to classical, and learn the fundamentals of vocal technique, harmonization, and musical interpretation. The best part is that you'll have the opportunity to showcase your newfound skills through exhilarating performances. Whether it’s for Magnet Tours, a school assembly, a holiday concert, or even competitions, you'll feel the excitement of stepping onto the stage and sharing the magic of music with your audience. Middle school choir is not just about singing; it's about building friendships, gaining confidence, and creating unforgettable memories while discovering the joy of making beautiful music together.
Leadership* Informational Meeting on 2/4/25 in Room 46 (Prior to applications)
The major emphasis of this course is to provide students who have leadership ability the opportunity to organize worthwhile school activities, to conduct these activities democratically, to build school morale, and to perform other services of value both to themselves and to their school.
Library Practice – Service Elective
Do you enjoy helping people? Do you love books? Do you have computer skills? If so, consider Library Practice for your elective. Responsibilities include: helping students and staff find information, shelving books, using the computer to check in/out books, repairing books, assisting with library activities. The major emphasis of this course is to provide students with opportunities to develop a working knowledge of the school library. The course emphasizes leadership, self-direction, self-motivation, and encourages enrichment through reading
Students for Library Practice must meet the District Policy listed below to enroll in the class. These classes are one semester only and the following semester the student will receive one of the other semester courses.
Student must have A’s, B’s, C’s and NO “U’s” on the 20-week marks.
• Student is not in need of academic intervention
• Student meets the attendance goal for LAUSD
• Student is in good standing with the Nobel Charter Middle School and the district Code of Conduct.
Nobel Yearbook /Personal Magazine
The major emphasis of this course is to provide students with opportunities to participate in the planning, preparation, writing, production, and sale of the school yearbook. During the spring semester, students will write stories and poems, produce artwork, and write about current interests. Students will produce their own magazine.
Orchestra *(Previous Instrumental Experience Required)
Must have had beginning strings in 6th grade. Primarily 7th grade, but open to returning 8th grade students who are continuing to refine their skills.
The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of more difficult string orchestra music. The course develops the ability to perform on a string instrument with considerable skill, accuracy, and aesthetic sensitivity, and develops skills in score reading. The course provides opportunities for increasing skill in ensemble playing and provides acquaintance with the standard repertory of orchestra that is technically and qualitatively advanced. The student is provided with opportunities to examine and study advanced arts components including, where applicable, the perceptual, creative, historical, and critical. Students can audition if you have not had music in 6th & 7th grade but already have experience playing a string instrument.
Participation in concerts is required.
Robotics Annual or Semester Class (Semester class does not do competitions or teams)
During the course of the year, students will follow the Engineering Design Cycle to create/build, test and iterate, if necessary, different projects to understand Physics and Engineering concepts. This is a hands on project based class which focuses on group work and exposes students to real world challenges that Engineers face when designing new products. Students will also have an opportunity to design and build a Robot using VEX kits and program the robot to accomplish certain task in accordance with the challenge guidelines. Students will work in teams and can participate in competition. Be sure you are checking the right box if you want an annual (all year) or the semester.
Spanish 1AB (8th grade only)
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to effective develop a basic proficiency in communicating in the Spanish language according to the cultural practices of the countries and regions where Spanish is spoken: Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, the United States, and others.
Semester Electives
The Ceramics program explores three-dimensional design concepts while creating both functional and sculptural forms. Basic hand-building techniques, modeling, surface treatment, glaze application, and wheel throwing for interested students will be covered. Students will learn the art and craft of pinch, coil, slab, and modular construction, with focus on the basic aspects of three-dimensional design. In addition, the aesthetics of form, visual thinking, and the history of ceramics will become an intergraded part of our class discussions. Students will design and construct original work with an emphasis on idea development.
Computer Science/ Digital Media
Computer Science Discoveries (CS Discoveries) is an introductory computer science course that
empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium
for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. Exploring the Problem Solving Process and the different ways humans and computers solve problems. Build your own websites in HTML and CSS using Web Lab. Build interactive animations and games in JavaScript using Game Lab.
Culinary Chemistry (Energy & Environment)
The elective of Energy and Environment will focus on “Culinary Chemistry”. Students will participate in several fun and interactive labs and activities to learn basic Chemistry skills. This course is designed to look at physical and chemical changes that take place in our kitchens. Students will perform edible experiments and look at the science behind how it all works.
Environmental Studies
Learn about the environment through hands-on experiences in the Nobel Learning Garden. Discover how soil, plants, insects, and animals interact by growing your own plants, caring for existing plants and trees, and eating garden produce.
Exploratory Media
Welcome to the Multimedia Arts elective! This class will focus on a variety of types of digital media like filmmaking, podcasting, and photo editing. This class will teach student cinematography, writing and screenplays, interview techniques, graphic design, and multiple editing platforms. Participants gain useful, real-world skills in time management, teamwork, and project based learning. By the end of this course, every student will have a variety of projects to showcase their growth and their talents.
Forensic Science – Crime Scene Investigation Techniques
This course will enable students to see science through the eyes of a crime scene investigator. Several hands-on lab activities are done throughout the semester such as: finger printing, crime scene sketching, forensic anthropology, trace evidence analysis with microscopes, blood spatter analysis and forensic chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to test their skills at the end of the semester with a mock crime scene activity.
Ethnic Studies
The major purpose of this course is to develop an understanding and appreciation of the role, challenges, and contributions of African Americans to the growth and development of the United States. The course will be an interactive experience of research, discovery, and non-attributive discussion. The course will begin with a common understanding of identify and concepts of race, ethnicity, culture, norms, mores, law, justice, equality, discrimination, and protests. Units will examine specific time periods with a focus on the unique experiences and achievements in areas such as: education, law, government, military, science, athletics, entertainment & the arts, and civil rights. The final unit will focus on contemporary issues in the African American community such as health, education and social justice.
General Art
This course is a basic introduction to creative art activities and techniques. Students will acquire skills in drawing, painting and crafts while exploring fine art, hands-on activities, color, art history, art vocabulary, note taking, organizational skills, and the principles of good design. This class is suitable for all students.
Lego Robotics
LEGO/Robotics introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem-solving experiences through a guided, global Lego and robotics program, helping today’s students build a better future together. Some of the goals of this course will inspire you to experiment, build, and grow your critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning, Legos, and robotics.
Library Practice / Media Center * (8th grade only)
Do you enjoy helping people? Do you love books? Do you have computer skills? If so, consider Library Practice for your elective. Responsibilities include: helping students and staff find information, shelving books, using the computer to check in/out books, repairing books, assisting with library activities. The requirements for Library Practice are the same as the Service Class below.
Marine Science (Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in core Science course)
The major purpose of this course is to provide experiences in the process by which scientific knowledge is gained, acquisition of skills for using inquiry and research in the scientific method and interpretation of natural phenomena in relation to the marine environment. Emphasis is placed on Investigation and Experimentation and the integration of Science Content Standards.
Theatre Basics
If you would like to get creative and have some fun while learning about theatre, then Theatre Basics is the class for you! We will explore various different acting styles for the theatre in addition to creating and performing scenes. Get ready for a fun-filled semester of Pantomime, improvisation, Monologue, Ancient Greek theatre and more! Gain more confidence on stage and overcome shyness as you find new and creative ways to express yourself.
Service Class * (8th grade only)
Students work in offices or assist teachers in classrooms.
Middle School Service must meet the District Policy listed below to enroll in the class. These classes are one semester only and the following semester the student will receive one of the other semester courses.
Student must have A’s, B’s, C’s and NO “U’s” on the 20-week marks.
• Student is not in need of academic intervention
• Student meets the attendance goal for LAUSD
• Student is in good standing with the Nobel Charter Middle School and the district Code of Conduct.