Academics » Culmination Policy

Culmination Policy

Culmination Policy

Nobel Charter Middle School/Nobel Math Science Technology Magnet

Culmination Requirements 2015

To participate in the 8th grade culmination activity and receive a certificate of completion, all 8th grade students must:


You must pass all classes during the 8th grade year.  If you receive a Fail on the fall final report card, you must have a C or better in that class in the spring.

If you receive a Fail on the spring final report card, you may not participate in the culmination activities.

Work Habits

You may not have more than two (2) U’s in work habits during your eighth grade year.

If you received two (2) or more U’s on the fall final report card, you may not have any (that is zero (0) U’s) in the spring.

If you received one (1) U in work habits on the fall final report card, you may only have one (1) U in the spring.

If you received zero (0) U’s in work habits on the fall final report card, you are allowed a maximum of two (2) U’s in the spring.

You may not have more than two (2) U’s in cooperation during your eighth grade year.

If you received two (2) or more U’s on the fall final report card, you may not have any (that is zero (0) U’s) in the spring.
If you received one (1) U in cooperation on the fall final report card, you may only have one (1) U in the spring.

If you received zero (0) U’s in cooperation on the fall final report card, you are allowed a maximum of two (2) U’s in the spring.


You may not have any outstanding debts, such as textbooks, library, cafeteria, and/or other obligations.

Student Conduct

You must abide by Nobel Charter Middle School and district policies with respect to student conduct and school property.

IGP - The Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) form must be signed and returned to the counseling office.


All students must meet the district Attendance Rate of 96%.  (See Attendance Policy)

Your 8th grade culmination status will be re-evaluated at every 5-week grading period.

We look forward to seeing you at the culmination ceremony!!!



(Current 6th and 7th Grade)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Los Angeles Unified School District believes that all students can learn and are capable of mastering middle school standards and passing all classes.  Your students will be expected to meet the minimum A-G requirements with marks of “C” or better to graduate from high school.  LAUSD has adopted a Middle School Culmination Activity and Certificate of Completion policy effective starting with the class of students culminating in 2016.

This policy defines the criteria for issuing a Middle School Certificate of Completion and for students to participate in the Middle School Culmination Activity.  It supports student achievement and guides students in preparing for matriculation from middle school to high school.

To earn a Certificate of Completion, students will be evaluated based on the marks earned in the core subjects of English/ELD, math, social studies and science in seventh and eighth grades.  Marks earned in physical education will also be part of the criteria.
  • In 7th grade, students will earn one point for each semester course in English/ELD, math, social studies, science and PE with a mark of “C” or better.
  • In 8th grade, students will earn two points for each semester course in English/ELD, math, social studies, science and PE with a mark of “C” or better.  Students must earn 8 points during the spring semester of 8th grade.
  • Students must earn 21 points out of the possible 30 points to be eligible for the Certificate.

To participate in the culmination activity, eighth grade students must meet all LAUSD requirements to earn a Certificate of Completion, and meet the additional requirements of Nobel Charter Middle School listed below:
  • Students may not have more than two U’s in work habits in the 8th grade year,
  • Students may not have more than two U’s in cooperation in the 8th grade year,
  • Students may not have any outstanding debts,
  • Students must abide by Nobel Charter Middle School and district policies with respect to student conduct and school property,
  • Students must meet minimum attendance requirements of 96% (See Attendance Policy).

Students and parents/guardians will discuss this policy during the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conferences.  We will work closely with you and your child to promote academic achievement.

If you have questions about the Culmination Activity and Certificate of Completion policy, contact your child’s counselor at 818.773.4700.