Welcome. Extraordinary is not easy.

Hi Everybody!  We're days away from starting the new school year and I'm going to try my best to make it intellectually interesting and enriching. Certainly, we're going to read, but we're going to focus on writing because writing is where our thoughts come to fruition, and education is about generating and developing thought... original, innovative ideas.  So, we'll read, but we'll create... we'll be "makers" of thought and we'll use essays and research papers and short stories and personal essays and poetry to do it.
Writers can change the world, and everybody can write.   Let's be writers!
Enjoy every day! 
I look forward to meeting all of you.
Welcome Back 
Suggested Supply List
LAUSD does not require students to bring anything, and teachers are not allowed to mandate any sort of supplies, but having the following items would certainly be very helpful...
Most pre-writing and rough drafts will be done in class and by hand... to that end it would be great if you had average sized college ruled paper (not those little composition books), blue or black ink pens and a couple pencils (mechanical pencils are best because they don't need sharpening).
Sometimes we read PDF's, other times we read on paper and when we read, we annotate so when we read on paper, it's helpful to have a yellow highlighter and some post-its. 
We tend to sketch and draw and make charts to help us think things through, so colored pencils often come in handy for color coding etc.
Lastly, it would be very helpful to have a glue stick and some sort of folder with a pocket in which you could keep your papers.