Cheryl Torralba » About Me

About Me



Go Math Online Help

Are you having trouble with a particular lesson? Try clicking the Go Math Online Help link. Logon using your LAUSD my mail email address and password. Select Interactive Student Edition, then choose the unit, module, and lesson. Each lesson begins with a video. You can select the bottom right arrow until you find Personal Math Trainer. Click on the yellow whistle. At the top right there will be some options for you; select View Example or Step by Step. Sometimes there is a step by step video. Sometimes the steps are given to you as text. 

Welcome to 6th grade! I look forward to getting to know you as an individual learners. I am a product of LAUSD. So I'm very proud to be part of this organization. I've been a teacher with LAUSD since 2000. I have a very strong work ethic and expect the same from my students.
I am married with two children, who also attend LAUSD schools. My husband and I take our children to spend the summer in Hawaii. Since I'm an earth science geek, I really enjoy the Islands just that much more! I look forward to sharing my knowledge and cool science collection with you.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein 
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein